The professional meetings held in recent days between entrepreneurs and technologists Agritech Murcia of southeastern Spain, and producers and experts from California has opened lines of work and collaboration to the present and future challenges of a very competitive sector worldwide.
Luis Miguel Peregrín, CEO of Ritec and president of AgritechMurcia, explained that the meeting between American companies and experts with leading companies in the sectors of agricultural technology and bioagriculture in the Region of Murcia has served to analyze and determine common collaboration processes in the bio-agricultural world in all leading production areas of both territories that market globally.
The president of the California producers has assured that the problems are similar on both sides of the ocean, in the production areas of both lands: lack of water, very demanding regulations, labor shortage, etc.
On the other hand, after visiting agricultural production technology companies, such as J. Huete, and research centers, such as CEBAS and IMIDA, the high level and efficiency of Agritech Murcia and ABioMur ecosystem companies is recognized, which places them among the most advanced in the world in environmentally sustainable agriculture.
The visit is being followed up with other direct missions.

The California delegation has been at a high level, led by Karen Ross, secretary of the CA Department of Food and Agriculture, with participation from the California State Board of Food and Agriculture/Rancho Terranova, the California Agricultural Council, California Merced and California Fresno State Universities, companies such as Westside Produce, Driscoll’s, Wonderful Citrus, Pie Ranch and the Central California Association.