The Ceickor research centre in Mexico demonstrates that the use of Hydroponic System’s Spacer can increase crop yields by improving aeration and oxygenation. aeration and oxygenation
A good drainage system in hydroponic cultivation increases the quality and production of crops by 3 to 5 percent, according to a study by the Ceickor University Centre in Mexico, which has analysed the advantages of Spacer from Hydroponic Systems, a company that is part of AgritechMur.
The Spacer, a common element in all the drainage systems of this company from Murcia, is an ingenious component that raises the substrate crops sufficiently to increase their aeration and prevent humidity, thus preventing them from suffering from diseases and infecting the rest of the plantation.

“The extra kilos achieved in production are due to the fact that the plants consistently produce more quantity and of higher quality, weight and size if they have healthy and vigorous roots”, says Alejandro Tarrats, Head Grower at Ceickor, an organisation with which Hydroponic Systems has research and development agreements.
He also points out that “significant savings are seen in the costs involved, due to the fact that the number of treatments that have to be carried out for diseases of this type is almost reduced to zero”. Tarrats highlights that at Ceickor they have detected “lines of crops with Hydroponic Systems equipment in which no treatment or fumigation of the roots has had to be carried out to attack diseases”.
Ceickor University Center y Ceickor Ceickor and Ceickor are pioneers in the transfer of knowledge, which they acquire first-hand in their own crops, as well as in the farms they advise, and which they complement with research and training.
Here, more information about Hydroponic Systems’ Spacer system.